View Full Version : Is it just me ....

3rd December 2004, 10:40 AM
Is it just me or does anyone else want to get Christopha drunk and tattoo a nipple on the top of his head ..... hmmmm perky :D

Oh okay ... it is just me. :o

Must be a Friday thing. :rolleyes:

Ben from Vic.
3rd December 2004, 11:01 AM
What the?........ :eek:

How 'bout a zipper? :D :D

3rd December 2004, 11:24 AM
please post pics of the whole process

3rd December 2004, 11:30 AM
Secret : as per some sci-fi / fantasy novels if you know christopha's real name you can control him as a minion... thus you could tattoo what ever you like on his forehead, I would recommend something in the order of "he who owns spaniels and cats, loves greenies".

Having said this and seen him in the flesh i would recommend liberal doses of rum prior to any such attempt. Oh.... probably best that he doesnt see your face either....

isnt that right Doorstop ?

3rd December 2004, 02:21 PM
Having met him I figured my choices were enough grog to float him, or a sturdy 4x2, and I'd be scared of damaging my precious wood ;)
The only person I know that could sort him out is 'beaut', I think he's scared of her.

Anyway he's lucky I like him, or he wouldn't get the nipple he'd get a tattoo of a circumcision scar aroud his head. :eek:

3rd December 2004, 05:28 PM
WHAT THE???????????????????

A bloody nipple on top of me scone?? Just how bloody cruel are you mongrels?? A bloody big tit where I couldn't SEE it!! 'sides I would get soooo confused cos I woont know if them blokes were yelling "show us yer tits!" or "Show us yer tats!"

3rd December 2004, 09:41 PM
WHAT THE???????????????????

A bloody nipple on top of me scone?? Just how bloody cruel are you mongrels?? A bloody big tit where I couldn't SEE it!! 'sides I would get soooo confused cos I woont know if them blokes were yelling "show us yer tits!" or "Show us yer tats!"

at least you could give yourself a squeeze and not get your face slapped!

4th December 2004, 12:03 AM
Youse bloody mungrels is just yeller of me perfeck head..............

4th December 2004, 11:32 AM
Maybe we could drill a hole in Christopha's head and install a grease nipple on his scone, to lubricate the mind.

And yes DaveInOz, it just you. I would be very concerned.

4th December 2004, 07:42 PM
Whatever your having Dave, I'll have one. ;)


4th December 2004, 07:44 PM
PS. Did you get up the next day and say "Oh sheite, did I really write that"?

4th December 2004, 07:54 PM
Thats what I usually do Dan :o :(

Al :D

Ben from Vic.
4th December 2004, 08:32 PM
PS. Did you get up the next day and say "Oh sheite, did I really write that"?

Yeha, we need a poll on this one.

I do the same. :D :D

5th December 2004, 05:17 PM
You blokes need to get back to the shed. You're spending far too much time thinking ... No good can come of this ... it'll all end in tears ..... :rolleyes:

6th December 2004, 09:32 AM
Dave. Even if we all got together and pooled our resources we couldn't afford the amount of Coonabloodywarra red it would take to get Stoppers' oops sorry...Christopha, shickered....http://www.ubeaut.biz/beersmiley.gif

7th December 2004, 01:12 PM
PS. Did you get up the next day and say "Oh sheite, did I really write that"?

:D NAH - thats what I'm like sober :rolleyes: now when I'm on the turps I get really silly :eek: