View Full Version : Which Browser do you use?

1st December 2004, 12:27 PM
Which browser do you use? If you regularly use more than one, tick each one.

The reason I'm asking this is that my company has developed a software product called Vision (www.viridian.com.au (http://www.viridian.com.au) for those who care and a little gratuitous advertising) that allows you to manage your product catalogue online.

As the content of each web page is dynamic and can look significantly different for each customer, trying to get the pages to look right in all the various browser flavours is a nightmare. We've managed to get IE and Mozilla Firefox to look almost the same, however we've had reports that Safari on the Mac is problematic.

The users of this board are probably representative of the internet in general I figure asking you guys and gals (or should that be blokes and sheilas) will be an accurate way as any to find browser utilisation. I've looked at a number of sites that report browser utilisation but they report wildly differing results and they all say to take thier results with a grain of salt.

1st December 2004, 12:40 PM
I said "other" because I'm currently using SlimBrowser from Flashpeak.

However, this is a wrapper that goes around IE and gives you tabbing functionality, pop-up blocking and some other stuff.

I've tried Firefox, and while I like it, I found that it can have problems with sites that were intended to be read using IE.

Another wrapper is CrazyBrowser but I like SLimbrowser better.

1st December 2004, 01:01 PM
I use galeon on linux

1st December 2004, 01:25 PM
You didn't list Netscape 6 which is radically different to 4.7 and is much more common these days.

We pretty much code for IE5+ and Netscape 6. You've covered the majority of the population that way. You then have to decide if you want to cater for the minorities and if it is worth the effort. Most of our stuff works with IE in Mac without any special coding. Ditching Netscape 4.7 will save a lot of headache.

1st December 2004, 02:02 PM
I actually put the netscape thing in there to see if anyone uses Netscape at all these days.

I wonder how many people are using FireFox because Gemi_Babe gave it a wrap a while back. It's the early front runner.

1st December 2004, 02:17 PM
Most of our stuff works with IE in Mac without any special coding.
Ditto with Safari has been my experience, the exceptions being some of the non-compliant MS tricks that occasionally turn up and were designed exclusively for IE. This usually happens when web builders rely on some proprietry software with the "trick" built in.

Apple's "bug fix" reporting seems to have resulted in the current version 1.2.4 (v125.11) giving good results pretty much everywhere.


P :cool:

Cliff Rogers
1st December 2004, 02:29 PM
IE6, drive on the left side of the road, use my right hand..... just 'cos it's easier. :D

1st December 2004, 02:36 PM
Sadly, I don't have the ability to test on Safari.

For those technically minded, we try to control as much of the look and feel with Cascading Style Sheets as possible.

There is a site called CSS Zen Garden (http://www.csszengarden.com (http://www.csszengarden.com/)) which is a really good site for showing the capabilities of style sheets. I'd be interested to see how Safari goes displaying the stuff on that site.

Also, if can be bothered, they can have a look at http://test.viridian.com.au/visiondemo and see if it all works for them.
Also, also try www.redacc.com.au (http://www.redacc.com.au/) and www.birkenstockbynature.com.au (http://www.birkenstockbynature.com.au/). Both of these sites are being constructed now, so the content is not complete.

1st December 2004, 03:06 PM
There is a site called CSS Zen Garden (http://www.csszengarden.com (http://www.csszengarden.com/)) which is a really good site for showing the capabilities of style sheets. I'd be interested to see how Safari goes displaying the stuff on that site.

Also, if can be bothered, they can have a look at http://test.viridian.com.au/visiondemo and see if it all works for them.
Also, also try www.redacc.com.au (http://www.redacc.com.au/) and www.birkenstockbynature.com.au (http://www.birkenstockbynature.com.au/). Both of these sites are being constructed now, so the content is not complete.

No problems that I could find with Zen Garden after a quick dash around. (Good, since it is an example site after all!)

Your three sites work fine, the only "glitch" is the right hand column dissappears under the centre column in smaller window widths. That is, the scaling of the centre column overlaps the right hand one, but by dragging the frame width out a bit it appears normal.



1st December 2004, 05:17 PM
I use Mozilla for most sites and IE5 for those that won't allow Mozilla.

What I like about Mozilla is it's ability to more easily stop the dreaded pop-ups.

I know that my missus has also converted to Mozilla a little while ago as well.

After voting and then seeing the results I was surprised at the two main groups.


1st December 2004, 05:35 PM
Without actually checking the veracity of the results here is something you may find useful. The only caution would be that the data is a little dated - Firefox would have made some sort of impact.


Maybe check out netcraft as well, may be some useful info there as well. And of course the Ubeaut admins could give a very accurate measure of what browser people are using :)


2nd December 2004, 12:43 AM
The users of this board are probably representative of the internet in general I figure asking you guys and gals (or should that be blokes and sheilas) will be an accurate way as any to find browser utilisation.
IE 6 because I couldn't be buggered learning something else

Now onto the Hijack

I don't think the users of this board would be representative of the internet community...they are far more unique than that;) :D ...


2nd December 2004, 10:28 AM
Whose a eunuch??

2nd December 2004, 10:32 AM
Anyone who hasn't got the balls to admit it.


2nd December 2004, 03:42 PM
Whew, for a while there I didn't think anyone was going to try and hijack this one. I'd have tried myself but I cant figure out what they're talking about. Does this make me a computer illiterate or just a dumb bastard. :D

2nd December 2004, 04:43 PM
Just normal, Termite, just normal.

Cliff Rogers
2nd December 2004, 10:16 PM
.... Does this make me a computer illiterate or just a dumb bastard. :D

Yeap. :p

6th December 2004, 09:37 AM
Jackpot, I'm both. :D

14th December 2004, 08:55 AM
Is that what you call a double header??