View Full Version : Gotta like this one

Allan at Wallan
21st March 2011, 09:46 AM
Three Aussies and three Maoris were travelling by train to the World Cup
in England. At the station the three Aussies each buy a ticket but notice
the three Maoris buy just one ticket between them.
One Aussie asked, "How can the three of you travel on one ticket?"
A Maori replied, "Watch and learn bro".
They all board the train, the Aussies get seated but the three Maoris cram
into a toilet and close the door.
When the conductor came along he took the tickets from the Aussies
then knocked on the toilet door saying, "Ticket please". The toilet door
opened just enough for the ticket to be shown and the conductor took it.
The Aussies saw this and agreed it was a clever idea.
When making the return trip from the game the Maoris again bought a
single ticket, but to their astonishment the Aussies bought none at all.
A Maori asked, "How can the three of you travel without a ticket?"
An Aussie replied, "Watch and learn mate".
When they board the train the three Maoris cram into a toilet and the
train departs. Shortly afterwards one of the Aussies goes to the toilet
door, knocks and says, "Ticket please".

21st March 2011, 10:07 AM

Sawdust Maker
21st March 2011, 03:16 PM

21st March 2011, 04:57 PM