View Full Version : Please consider

5th March 2011, 06:06 PM
Please Mr moderator, consider what you do. People look at businesses and the owners suggest this is theirs. It is not.
To succeed you need the vision for the creation and the labour of the employees. It is a partnership that relies on both.
When one thinks that their view, and their direction is suprime, this partnership tends to collapse and the rot sets in, and most die.
You shut a post because you do not like it, or was it against those who “ are in”
Been chucked out of the other side perhaps this will see me chucked out here,
.But please consider, this forum is nothing without pains in your ass like me, and without those that complain, how do you know your mistakes. Rob

5th March 2011, 06:36 PM
Tell us what you are on about....at the moment the post is meaningless.

5th March 2011, 06:50 PM
Groggy has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - weisboy petition - in the SMALL TIMBER MILLING forum of Woodwork Forums.
Sorry but I believed that those who were concerned would know and those who were not, did not need to know.

5th March 2011, 07:12 PM
Its OK.......after a days consultation, and mulling over that particular thread, it has been decided that the thread was not contributing to the well-being of the forum.
And as per sub-para four of the forum rules.....the thread was closed.

Thanks for your interest rrobor.