View Full Version : Junk mail and the local newspaper

Grumpy John
23rd February 2011, 01:37 PM
I've just been on to the the local newspaper distribution manager to complain about the advertising brochures inserted into the newspaper. This is obviously done to get around the "No Junk Mail" signs on letterboxes. I complained several months ago and the practice ceased, however, today this weeks paper is full of brochures. Do other forumites have brochures in their local paper and how you feel about it?

23rd February 2011, 02:20 PM
I get them and put them straight into recycling. But I don't mind them, because most of the people who distribute them probably wouldn't get a proper job, so I won't begrudge them that.

23rd February 2011, 02:36 PM
Same here - straight into the bin. Never really took enough notice to care. :)

The Bleeder
23rd February 2011, 02:38 PM
Recycle bin is right next to the letter box.

23rd February 2011, 02:51 PM
Jeez john you're living up to the grumpy bit :D I dread to see what you will be like at 65-70:p
I just recycle it all so never bother worrying about it.:2tsup:

Grumpy John
23rd February 2011, 03:05 PM
Damn right I'm grumpy, Ive got a bloody "NO JUNK MAIL" sign on my letterbox and I still get junk mail. So far there have been 4 replies to this post and everyone states that they bin their junk mail without reading it, what a waste of paper and energy (to produce the brochures). I'm not a tree hugger by any means but this waste of resources pisses me off no end.

23rd February 2011, 05:06 PM
Maybe the same person that delivers the local paper has a job delivering phamplets as well. So they jam the junk mail in the paper to make it easier to deliver both.....

23rd February 2011, 05:48 PM
Yes GJ! We get two local papers, usually 3-4 day after publication, therefore any junk inserts are usually out of date and are then recycled.
One publication is wrapped in plastic that tight it becomes impossible to read when unwrapped.:((

23rd February 2011, 09:00 PM
Haven't got a mail box or a mail delivery.....12Km drive to get the mail..........nobody dares give me junk

Master Splinter
23rd February 2011, 09:50 PM
I love junk mail, as I can read it or throw it out or leave it in the box for a month.

It's the stamped and addressed stuff I hate. Gotta get that stuff stopped.

Grumpy John
23rd February 2011, 11:11 PM
Haven't got a mail box or a mail delivery.....12Km drive to get the mail..........nobody dares give me junk

Another plus for moving to Tooradin...................... no letterbox, all the mail gets picked up from the Post Office :2tsup:.

joe greiner
23rd February 2011, 11:53 PM
You seem to have a warped interpretation of the newspaper business. Apparently, you see yourself as the customer. You're not the customer; you're the product. The real customer is the advertiser. The publisher provides news content, comics, crossword puzzle, etc., to entice you to accept the ads. Without payment by advertisers, your newspaper would cost readers many times the cost of subscription or purchase.

I welcome the inserts to inform me of deals I wouldn't know about otherwise. The unwanted inserts are placed in buffer storage before recycling. I draw on the buffer storage to use them as protection of work surfaces when painting and cutting templates for some of my woodwork. Also place them on the lathe ways for similar protection.

I have too many other sources of irritation to be upset about this "problem."

Similar with regard to junk mail. But if I'm in a particularly foul mood, and there's a Business Reply insert, just pack the envelope with some of the content, and place in the mail. USPS levies an additional charge beyond postage itself, to the recipient, for handling. (YMMV). Don't get mad, get even.


24th February 2011, 01:01 AM
We get them here in Perth too. I used them as dog toys for a while, throwing them around and shouting "PAPER!"
Now my dog Django goes each morning to fetch my daily newspaper from the end of the drive. (Except on Sunday when its so damned big he refuses to carry it.)

24th February 2011, 08:38 AM
Err...that's not a Pug, it's a long haired German Shepard! The things that give this away are the size, intelligence, and a face that hasn't been put in a vise.

JM in the letter box is a great aggravation. However, in a newspaper at least it's almost flat and easily separated for recycling. Very occasionally I look through it, but rarely find anything of interest.

In response to Joe's argument that the paper would cost more: it's free & delivered weekly. If there was any kind of charge they wouldn't sell any. The advertising pays for the paper, and I see that the inclusion of all the junk as just additional profit making. It would have to be this way because if the practise was banned then the paper would fold (?).

What REALLY gives me the shights is the flash advertising on websites that moves, flickers and anything else to distract your attention away from what the site owner is SUPPOSED to want you to read (info on their product et al). What is wrong with these people? It's tantamount to someone doing a demonstration at a trade show and inviting some other dickhead to come and wave distracting flags around and talk over the top of them. It's not quite so aggravating when it's at the side because I can narrow the window, but when it's in the middle of the article....

The other thing with just about all websites is the dreadful standard of proof reading. Even the multinationals. E.g. yesterday Panasonic sent me an email to trumpet their new website. On the site there's a lucky draw to win "1 or 50 cameras". I sent them an email to say that I'll take the 50. Super simple but very significant typo, except that it was in 20 point size.

Righto chaps, as you were.


Geoff Dean
24th February 2011, 12:35 PM
Best way to deal with it is to put it in an envelope and send it back to the person/company that sent it.


The receiver has to pay and cops a surcharge as well. IF enough people do it, they might start to get the message.

24th February 2011, 04:21 PM
I like junk mail.

24th February 2011, 09:19 PM
If it's in an envelope I just RTS it. Including the local pollie.

Grumpy John
1st March 2011, 01:23 PM
The local rag arrived today without the extra 2 Kg. of advertising material :2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:.

1st March 2011, 05:39 PM
Yes GJ! We get two local papers, usually 3-4 day after publication, therefore any junk inserts are usually out of date and are then recycled.
One publication is wrapped in plastic that tight it becomes impossible to read when unwrapped.:((
Was in a newsagents the other day and they were trying to unwrap one. She said she'd never realised before how difficult it was!

Jim Carroll
1st March 2011, 07:28 PM
The local rag arrived today without the extra 2 Kg. of advertising material :2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:.

What are you worried about John.

No junk mail in Tooradin. :rolleyes:

1st March 2011, 08:28 PM
I was under the impression that the glossy pamphlets that are stuffed in my letterbox by the handful every day are not recyclable (sp? is that actually a word?).

If this is the case, those of you that throw them in your big yellow topped bin are doing the wrong thing.

Does anyone know for sure?

4th March 2011, 09:22 AM
Best way to deal with it is to put it in an envelope and send it back to the person/company that sent it.


The receiver has to pay and cops a surcharge as well. IF enough people do it, they might start to get the message.

You can go one better. Wrap the junk mail around a brick and post the brick....postage on a brick much higher than an envelope.

4th March 2011, 09:34 AM
I was under the impression that the glossy pamphlets that are stuffed in my letterbox by the handful every day are not recyclable (sp? is that actually a word?).

If this is the case, those of you that throw them in your big yellow topped bin are doing the wrong thing.

Does anyone know for sure?

I know for sure, of course it is recyclable. To quote from my local council pamplet: "...phone books, letters, envelopes & junk mail...."

4th March 2011, 10:47 AM
"Glossy inserts have a heavy clay coating that some paper mills cannot accept. Most of the clay is removed from the recycled pulp as sludge which must be disposed of. If the coated paper is 20% by weight clay, then each ton of glossy paper produces more than 200 kg of sludge and less than 800 kg of fibre."

4th March 2011, 01:24 PM
I'm just pointing out that my local council accepts it, as have others that I've lived in.

4th March 2011, 04:39 PM
You can go one better. Wrap the junk mail around a brick and post the brick....postage on a brick much higher than an envelope.

Did that once many years ago with Readers Digest when they wouldn't stop sending their mail.

Phrased the letter with " As you people are as thick as a brick in ignoring my previous requests etc......... I am sending you a brick to help remind you. Next time it will be two bricks, then three etc"

Worked a treat. :U


5th March 2011, 08:42 PM
I'm just pointing out that my local council accepts it, as have others that I've lived in.

Wasn't questioning your post mate...just stating how wasteful glossy advertising is.

5th March 2011, 09:05 PM
I know for sure, of course it is recyclable. To quote from my local council pamplet: "...phone books, letters, envelopes & junk mail...."

yeah, I guess I knew that it would be accepted, what I should have asked is, is it really recyclable? I guess Kiwigeo's reply has gone some way to answering that.

I think we put a lot of things in our recycle bins that are separated out later at considerable cost and sent to landfill.