View Full Version : Thinning lacquer for HVLP

21st February 2011, 10:00 PM
Hi, has anyone got experience with clear Duralac lacquers, by Sherwood (with HVLP?). The datasheet says that it doesn't require thinning to use? Perhaps it's true, but does seem unusual?

Also sanding between coats, is there any advantage/disadvantage in doing so?


1st March 2011, 10:31 PM
If it written it doesn,t need thinning, then you may don,t need to.

You better try to spray it and see the result. If you fell the lacquer is too thick then you can add some lacquer thinner to thin it.
If you have viscometer you can measure the viscosity and check with viscosity that work with your hvlp spray gun.
The hvlp gun is work for low viscosity material.
it work for the viscosity material less then 14 second ( measured with NK 2 cup)

EDIT: Link removed by moderator.



2nd March 2011, 07:20 AM
I have used Durasilk and found it to be excellent. I thinned the sealer (Sovereign Sealer) and the Durasilk by 10% and seemed to work well.

Cheers, David

2nd March 2011, 03:05 PM
Everything I've put through my Wagner HVLP set up, has gone on better after thinning

27th April 2011, 03:51 AM
Thanks all for info, got side tracked so a late reply.

I tried without thinning and it was too thick, so in the end thinned down to about 10-15% and it coated pretty well.
