View Full Version : Furniture Restorer

thumb trimmer
7th February 2011, 10:21 PM
'xcuse my ignoramous ... but can someone recommend a good furniture restorer in (or around) the Ryde area???

A friend of mine's late grandmother's sideboard recently had a run in with her 2 year old, and it seems that the 2 year old won.

As I understand it, and without seeing the damage first had, at least one of the front doors has been pulled off it's hinge.

Any help would be appreciated.


8th February 2011, 12:06 AM

only person I know is Ray Gurney
I know Ray through the Sydney based Traditional Tools Group www.TTTG.org.au (http://www.TTTG.org.au) which you might be able to use to contact him.

Ray works for places like the Australian Museum, which might be a little upmarket for your friend

9th February 2011, 03:54 PM
The Furniture Hospital Lilyfield 17 Fred street 98184412. Ask for Ralph. They have done about 5 different jobs for me including 2 barber chairs from the 1800s. Prices fair,not that far from Ryde.