View Full Version : Sliding Door Water Entry

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29th December 2010, 01:10 PM
I have an aluminium sliding door which is allowing water entry inside but underneath the bottom sill. Have done some troubleshooting and found that water splashing and entering via the drainage slots at the front will emerge under the sill at the rear and flow under the carpet on the floor. Same thing happens if I pour water inro the door channel. Water will come out the front drainage slots as it should but also some will emerge under the siill on the inside. Judging by the carpet it has been occurring since fitted about 7 years ago. I would have thought the drainage function of the sill is self contained within the sill and not dependant on the installation to seal against water entry. Should I dismantle the door frame and remove the sill to check or get the 'experts', if there is such a thing these days!

Read and reply to the full thread at RenovateForum.com.... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f84/sliding-door-water-entry-95086/)