View Full Version : Where to buy passage way door handles?

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21st December 2010, 06:40 PM
Hey all,

We're giving our old house a bit of a freshen up and as part of that we wanted to get some new door handles for the internal passage way doors. I went to bunnings and it seems that anything of decent style and quality is at least $60 a pop!

Turns out $60 * 13 doors is quite a lot of money!

Is there somewhere better to buy them from? I can appreciate that there is going to be a difference between good and crap quality, especially if we are going to continue to live here for at least a few more years. But I was quite shocked at the prices, of what would cost no more than $5 to manufacture! heh

p.s. I'm in Melbourne. Let me know if there's better places to go, appreciate any help or advice, thanks! ;)

Read and reply to the full thread at RenovateForum.com.... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f84/where-buy-passage-way-door-handles-94977/)