View Full Version : northane 2 pack paint

Evan Pavlidis
10th December 2010, 03:26 AM
G'day forumites, :)

I'm currently building a bathroom vanity unit with 2 doors and 2 shelves out of MDF/chipboard. My questions are, can I spray the cabinet with the 2 pack finish, let it dry and then apply another coat the following day without ruining anything, as it is very expensive.
I've read the manufacturers instructions, which state when spraying to use the wet on wet method but no mention of subsequent coats.
Has anyone used this finish either by brushing or spraying with good results?
Is it possible to achieve an even level finish by brushing?
If I choose to spray, is a CIG little beaver spray outfit suitable to use?

Thanks in advance, Evan :)

10th December 2010, 09:29 AM
Hi Evan, have you had much experience spraypainting before? 2pack is pretty unforgiving... It drys very fast, brushing wont give you a good finish.

I would aim to finish a job in the same day, if you have to wait a day, spray the primer on day one, then sand and spray the top coat/s on the following day.

Try giving the manufacturer a call too, they are usally pretty helpful.

As far as guns go, most people will use a HVLP spray gun and compressor. You'd have to try playing around with the mix and some sample peices to see if you can get a good finish with a little beaver. My gut instinct is it wont do the job, but the only way is to give it a go.

good luck


Chris Parks
11th December 2010, 11:34 PM
Do a bit or reading before you start. Two pack of any variety is dangerous stuff and is one of the reasons for paper suits and spray booths, it is illegal to spray it outside a booth for very good reasons. The early stuff used to enter the body through the skin and even the eyes so take appropriate precautions. Sorry to be a scaremonger but it is best to know before you start.