View Full Version : Mixing u-Beaut with other shellac

7th December 2010, 01:12 AM
I have a feeling this may have been asked before,
I did three searches and did not find an answer. but came across a great tip on using a wine bladder for evacuating air ,will this work with estapol ? boy do I need a way of keeping my Wattyl sanding sealer better

This is the main question though

Can the U-Beaut hard shellac be mixed with other shellac ? I use orange flake and button and mix with bleached or blonde to adjust colour ,if I use 75% UB and 25% flake then thin that 100% mix by adding 50 % of 100 ims metho , will it work and the only difference is that the hardness changes when it cures ?
regards Rob

7th December 2010, 01:00 PM
Shellac is shellac and pretty much all shellacs will mix, however you won't get the same hardness if you mix Hard Shellac with non hardened as you are diluting the hardener content of the mix. Also there is a plasticiser content in the Hard Shellac which may work against the hardening aspect when mixed. I say may because I'm not really sure if it will or not, most likely it won't, but who knows.

If it's a colour thing, maybe add some colour to the hard shellac by way of a spirit stain, universal tint or spirit based aniline dye, this way you should still get the same hardness and possibly the colour you need.

If you're trying to harden the regular shellac then you will get a reduced hardness to the finish of somewhere around 50% - 75%. The hardener actually works on the weight (amount) of shellac used in the mix, not on the amount of liquid.

Hope this is of some help.

Cheers - Neil :U

7th December 2010, 10:14 PM
Thanks Neil,
just got my first 5 lt of UB and want to have a go with it, at least I know that mixing is not a definite no no
I use spirit stains mixed in with shellac, some times though just the colour of the orange with a blonde is all I need on pale timber, like a 15% orange 85% blonde, sounds like it will work well.
cheers Rob