View Full Version : Dutchy looking for an internship

2nd December 2010, 09:48 AM
G'day mates!

My name is Niels and i'm from Holland.
I'm an enthausiastic 27 year old student at the HMC in Amsterdam.

The HMC is a trade school for woodworkers. It's a 4 year study and half way through a student can choose a specialisation such as cabinet restauration, cabinet designer, building restauration and boat building.
Well i choose boat building and together with 2 classmates i'm building a Riva Florida as a final product.

Right now i'm in the final year and somewhere at the beginning of february i have to do a final internship of 10 weeks.It would be great if i can do this in Australia. I've been in OZ a couple of years ago and i loved it so much!
I've had contact with a friend on Tasmania who has his own company but unfortunatly he couldn't offer me an internship.

So my question is, is there anybody here who can help me? It would be great if someone has an adress, a phonenumber, e-mailadress, website or anything that would help me finding a nice place.

What i'm looking for is a company that works with wood (so it doesn't especially needs to be a cabinetmaker) The HMC encourages students to do an abroad internship so for them it doesn't really matter what the company does as long as it has something to do with woodworking. Where in OZ doesn't really matter altough south west or Tasmania would be awesome.

Well i hope this is enough and it would be awesome to recieve some helpful replies.



PS. If this thread is in the wrong post please let me know so i can change it.

2nd December 2010, 01:26 PM
Welcome to the forum mate. Good luck in your search :2tsup:

2nd December 2010, 04:43 PM
Hi and welcome to the forum. I hope somebody is able to help you. .Good luck.:2tsup:

2nd December 2010, 09:30 PM
Welcome to the forum and as was said good luck on your search.