View Full Version : Parks Super Glaze Problem

29th September 2010, 11:29 AM

I am finishing a table with Parks Super Glaze. While the glaze was drying my garage door was opened during a rain storm. the rain dripped thru the door seams onto my just poured table leaving a number of holes where the water drops displaced the glaze. Anyone have any ideas on how i can smooth the table and refill the holes?

29th September 2010, 01:22 PM
i would love to help ! you can use rough sandpaper to get most of it off as long as you dont sand through the superglaze into the wood. then be shure to wipe it clean ! ive found that nomatter the roughness of the sandpaper it will still be unnoticable when coated again. if there are any holes left fill them first and get the air bubbles out. then repeat what you did before it rained and be shure to keep your garage dore closed.

30th September 2010, 11:54 AM
what do you wipe it down with?