View Full Version : lacquer jelling

21st September 2010, 04:41 AM
I need help with a problem, I have a new ( 8 month old) building that is causing the furniture finished with nitrocelulose lacquer in my business to soften. For starters I have a autombile dealership and the building is a metal building and instead of using the standard roll insullation I chose open cell spray in foam. The floors are polished acid stained concrete. My reason for telling you these specifics is that there is no other differences from a standard building that would cause this problem. Does anyone know what could be causing this problem?

22nd September 2010, 11:03 PM
Are you sure it's Nitro? Sounds more like poly which can have this problem Often seen in cafe's etc on pine and cheap furniture.

What timber is it? If rosewood or another oily timber this may be the cause.

What has been used over the finish by cleaners or other staff? If detergent, what kind? What else may have been used, Mr Sheen, orange oil, wax, etc, etc?

Cheers - Neil :U

23rd September 2010, 02:22 AM
Its nitro for sure, has happened to several peices. I have 4 chairs that came from my fathers office that are 40 yrs old and they were finished 40 years ago using nitro. All the furniture is high end. You can go to my web site www.eliteautosllc.com (http://www.eliteautosllc.com) and click on virtual tour and see the building and furniture. I have had several people from the furniture business and refinishing business that are clueless whats causing my problem

27th September 2010, 07:18 PM
be real carefull with the spray in foam as some generates cynanide gas . You may not be around if its a closed building !!! had a guy spray some yachts we were building , and changed jobs to get away from it , he said the operators could only use it for a few months ! may pay to do some checking up it was polyurethane foam used , :oo: