Reno RSS Feed
15th September 2010, 11:30 AM
I've got a thread in the go-to-whoa with my next step being to install some french doors (thread at (!93081!
I'm not sure if its kosher to post the questions here too. Apologies if not. I'd love some help.
Briefly, we're replacing some windows in our brick veneer place with two single light doors opening outwards. The doors are under eaves and will open onto a covered pergola.
The doors aren't rebated in the middle, so I'll do that once I've got the locks and know how deep the rebate should be. But I'm not sure if I go through more than half the thickness of the door? Should I leave some room for a seal? What about seals on the other sides of the doors?
The existing window opening is wider than the door frame will be, by about 120mm, or half a brick. After cutting the brick for the opening, should I fix it up before or after the door frame is installed? The Steines book seems to have it after the frame is installed to minimise the gap to the frame. My plan was to fix the brickwork by toothing out existing half bricks and replace with whole bricks, fit half bricks next to existing whole bricks. Sound OK?
Here's a couple of pics of the current windows.
Read and reply to the full thread at (
I'm not sure if its kosher to post the questions here too. Apologies if not. I'd love some help.
Briefly, we're replacing some windows in our brick veneer place with two single light doors opening outwards. The doors are under eaves and will open onto a covered pergola.
The doors aren't rebated in the middle, so I'll do that once I've got the locks and know how deep the rebate should be. But I'm not sure if I go through more than half the thickness of the door? Should I leave some room for a seal? What about seals on the other sides of the doors?
The existing window opening is wider than the door frame will be, by about 120mm, or half a brick. After cutting the brick for the opening, should I fix it up before or after the door frame is installed? The Steines book seems to have it after the frame is installed to minimise the gap to the frame. My plan was to fix the brickwork by toothing out existing half bricks and replace with whole bricks, fit half bricks next to existing whole bricks. Sound OK?
Here's a couple of pics of the current windows.
Read and reply to the full thread at (