View Full Version : Old timers tricks, does anybody else do this?

Reno RSS Feed
28th August 2010, 02:00 PM
I was in the woodshed this morning splitting and topping up the wood boxes and found some Oregon pine ( White pine ) started cutting some for those mornings when the fire had gone out.
I remembered something my Grandfather used to do when travelling around in his old Ford Prefect ute.
Grandad used to keep a friction top tin, full of cut kindling in the back of the car, being an old-timer ( He is gone now but born in 1896) he also used to throw in a pint of Kerosene or petrol, I reckon he was one of the last of the old bushmen, he could light a fire in any weather and I don't think there was anything he couldn't fix given a big enough hammer and plenty of fencing wire.

Anyway I now have a 5 liter friction top can full of thin kindling and later today I'll dump in some alcohol ( safer than petrol ) and I reckon I too can then light a fire in any weather.

#30 years and sometimes I still miss the old bugger

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f85/old-timers-tricks-does-anybody-else-do-92728/)