View Full Version : water proofing turned jobs?

15th October 2004, 12:46 PM
I am looking for ways to waterproof a couple of jobs. any advice / suggestions would be appreciated.

1. wooden turned vases - I tend to make a lot of these, and lately have been using glass vases, mounted inside the turned object which works great, but cost-wise isn't so good.
Any ideas on what products i could coat the insides of the timber vase with to save using glass? preferably something that i can just kinda pour in, and rotate the vase in my hands to spread the coating, that won't pool in the bottom, or streak ?

2. wooden coffee mugs. same story. don't know if people would buy timber turned coffee mugs, but if I wanted to try one, would need a finish that can't poison the user. As they would be sticking in their mouth all the time, this is a serious concern, that doesn't apply to vases.

any ideas guys?


16th October 2004, 11:47 AM
For the vase you could investigate the Rustins plastic finish. Email [email protected] for advice.

For coffee mugs, it's hard to imagine any finish being durable and safe.