View Full Version : Best Power Sanding Tool for (old) painted Weatherboards?

16th August 2010, 11:32 PM
Hi Guys,

I've started preparing old painted weather boards, initially using a Paint Spatula to remove flaking paint, I'm after suggestions to make this whole job a lot easier:

Should I be using a stripping tool (power tool bit) on the flaking paint?
What is the best Power Sander for the job? I've got the whole house to do, so I want to make this job as easy as possible. I won't be stripping back to bare timber if I don't have to, it's more for preparation for these weather boards to be re-painted if the existing paint/weather boards are in good condition. Should I go for an Orbital Sheet Sander, Random Orbit Sander or one of those Multi-Sanders that are on the market??? (or possibly something else)
I hope you can help, much appreciated,

17th August 2010, 08:04 AM
6" or 8" angle grinding/buffing power tool with course disc's. did our house in less than a day.
Be prepared to get covered in dust and old paint and cough for a month!!!



17th August 2010, 10:06 AM
6" or 8" angle grinding/buffing power tool with course disc's. did our house in less than a day.
Be prepared to get covered in dust and old paint and cough for a month!!!


Hi Steve,

Thanks for that. Can I ask, did you strip back to bare timber doing it that way?? I'm not sure if I want to go that far i.e. the paint/weather boards are old and flaking in spots, but overall they seem to be in good condition (it looks as if there has been a few coats of paint been put on there over the years).

Unless, is it better to go back to to bare timber...any words of advice are welcome?


17th August 2010, 07:33 PM
Yep went back to bare boards and the re primed them. Loose paint i guess not quite as course discs and don't push so hard.

Bugger of a job and don't envy you one bit, but it's worth it when it's finished. Only advice I would offer is us a paint that is guaranteed the longest before repainting!!

