View Full Version : PC Help needed

13th October 2004, 11:44 PM
Hei Guys,
Win2k has decided that the USB card reader is a CD drive and won't
allow me to access the card.
I had this problem a while back and thought it was because I was
leaving a card in the reader but there hasn't been a card in the
reader for several weeks.
Add/remove hardware and troubleshoot hardware does nothing.
Any ideas?

14th October 2004, 12:06 AM
Hi Paul. Did the card reader come with any software for Win 2000??.

Re-boot without card reader plugged in, when all running plug in reader to another USB port and see how that works. Used to work for me. Anyway, after that didn't work I'd go looking for a chipset driver update for your motherboard and/or a BIOS update. You could check your peripherals and Primary/Secondary IDE devices etc in BIOS if you know how.

PS don't go flashing the BIOS unless you know what your doing:D

14th October 2004, 12:49 AM
After a heap of farting around I just unplugged the reader and then plugged it back in with the PC running and it worked. That's normally a no no on win2k (if turn on the modem after the cpu it won't recognise the modem) but it worked.
Thanks for the help.

14th October 2004, 01:19 AM
Paul, When you get the chance go sift through your motherboard manufacturer's website and you'll probably find a download which fixes USB controller dramas.
