View Full Version : Is this illegal..?

Reno RSS Feed
11th August 2010, 11:20 PM
Hi all,

I really need help with this please.

Can anyone categorically say that these window grills (picture below) are 100% illegal..?? I'm not really sure and I was hoping someone in the know could tell me. If there is no concrete answer then could someone point me in the right direction to get a definate answer by a regulator or a person who would know please.

My parents have them on their house and have done for a long time as they are elderly and my mother only has about 30% hearing. At their age they are paranoid and worried about their safety from break and enter etc...

They've had them on for over 15 years and now are being told they have 7 days to remove them no if buts or maybe's. I would like to know if it were legal if I were to modify them so that only the sliding part of the window was covered by them... I just don't know but I want to help as my mum was very upset when we spoke earlier.

Even if they were illegal how can they only allow 7 days for them to be removed..? They are pensioners and aren't exactly loaded and I believe they are just being bullied as they have no knowledge of the system and their rights.



Read and reply to the full thread at RenovateForum.com.... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f84/illegal-92453/)