View Full Version : Help! need some advice about furniture making trade!!

2nd August 2010, 05:17 PM
I posted this in the welcome wagon forum, which probably wasn't the right section. I hope this is the right forum.

Hey people,

I joined this website to ask for some information and advice about doing a furniture maker/cabinet maker trade. I am just curious what the work is like. I'm really interested in making furniture. I just don't want to work in a factory where your stuck working on the same item all day. I would be more interested in handmade/custom work.

But yeah If anyone can give me information about the trade I would really appreciate it.
Cheers, Chris

So yeah, thats what I posted. Feedback would be great

Just George
28th August 2010, 08:16 PM
Getting employment or an apprenticeship as a cabinet maker making furniture can be difficult, they don't come along all that often, you may be lucky though.

Getting a job doing it without a trade background can be harder, why would someone hire unskilled/unproven labour over someone who is qualified unless they can prove otherwise.

If you start as a cabinet maker you would usually make kitchens and cabinets. This is how I started, now I work in retail and make things in my shed in the backyard for anyone who wants something, I get satisfaction from my job, cash reward from jobs on the side and satisfaction from cashies as I usually take on jobs that people cannot usually do on their own that are a little complicated thata test my capabilities and skills.

I started my trade at the age of 30, going from a good paying job to first year wages at that age was a little difficult but has been worth it in the long run, when I started there was always 30 to 40 ads in the paper for cabinet makers every weekend - now there are only 3 or 4. Think seriously before you throw in a job completely to follow this type of dream. I am happy for you to contacat me if you want to know any more.

How old are you?

28th August 2010, 11:42 PM
Thanks for the advice George. I am 19

I'm finding it hard to decide what job I would like to get into. I wanted to become a photographer at first, but after doing a cert in photographer I've decided to do it as a hobbie. Furniture making was the only trade that really interested me. But after talking to a careers consultant is seems a hard job to get into these days. So I'm stuck on ideas once again. I'm considering just giving a photography ago. I'm a hardworker and always try to achieve my best. I just need someone to push/guide me.

Thanks for the help
cheers chris

29th August 2010, 12:51 AM
I'm currently doing the Certificate III furniture and cabinet making course at a NSW TAFE, studying at night.
FWIW, the teachers recon most of the trade is about kitchens and bathroom furniture, made from veneered chipboard and screwed together.
The really talented guys work for furniture restores or custom makers.

If you are really serious about making furniture as opposed to kitchens, I suggest you check out the Certifcate III & IV courses offered at some of the non TAFE schools. Be warned, these are not cheap and the expected standard of workmanship is really really high.

29th August 2010, 09:26 PM
Hey Ian

Thanks for replying

Do you think you could link me to places that do cert III or IV besides tafe? I'm considering doing the cert in furniture making.

I'm not sure If i would be interested in cabinet making. I'm hoping to talk to another career advisor and get some more feedback on jobs.

Thanks, Chris

Just George
29th August 2010, 09:46 PM
Doing Building,Carpentry is more money and more opportunities. Persue woodwork as a hobby on the side....

29th August 2010, 10:28 PM
Do you think you could link me to places that do cert III or IV besides tafe? I'm considering doing the cert in furniture making.Chris, try here http://www.woodreview.com.au/courses/ (http://www.woodreview.com.au/courses/)

and also here http://www.woodreview.com.au/clubs/clubs_qld.html (http://www.woodreview.com.au/clubs/clubs_qld.html)

13th September 2010, 07:07 PM
sorry for the late reply ian...hotmail never notified me about your reply :S

I had alook through those links and just looking at the furniture made looks like something I would be really interested in. I might ask them for some advice

thanx ian :)