View Full Version : Source of Beeswax

11th July 2010, 05:28 PM
G'day mates,

I have been trying to find some beeswax to make some oil & beeswax finish. I found them at the Sunday Market at Akoonah Park (Akoonah Park - Show Grounds, Market, Recreation Reserve, Pony Club, Horse Shows, Berwick, Beaconsfield, Victoria (http://www.akoonahpark.com.au/)) in Berwick from seller of raw honey. My wife buys honey from her and she noticed the beeswax.

Map to the market is here, Akoonah Park, Victoria - Google Maps (http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Akoonah+Park,+Victoria&sll=-38.028427,145.361033&sspn=0.007674,0.013797&ie=UTF8&hq=Akoonah+Park,&hnear=Victoria&ll=-38.038053,145.367875&spn=0.0145,0.027595&z=15)

For those familiar with the market, the stall is located by the old oak tree. She has them in a few sizes, soap bar, medium jar of jam and bigger blocks if required. Seller's dad is the Beekeeper.

Thought I'll share it here. No affiliation, just a satisfied customer.
