View Full Version : Major amateur needs help on how to finish a garage bar

7th July 2010, 03:06 AM
So, long story short, I built a two-tiered bar in my garage. It's nothing fancy, a bunch of plywood and 2x4s, with some vinyl upholstered around the front of it. I kind of made a mess of painting and finishing it, though. It doesn't have to look that great, because it's just a crappy garage bar, but it's bad enough that I want some advice on how to redo it better.

The actual bar surfaces (which were basically the only part not concealed by the vinyl), I just painted them with some flat black paint and then varnished over it with some satin water-based Minwax Polycrylic stuff. It looked pretty good afterwards. Good enough for my garage anyway.

Problem is, after just a few times of using it and it getting moisture and water on it, it's left permanent whitish areas all over it and now it looks like crap. I feel stupid for not realizing this would happen, but to say I'm an amateur at this is an understatement.

Question is, if I sand the bars back down and repaint them, what kind of varnish or whatever should I use this time that won't leave blotchy white patches any time it gets wet? Because it's a bar. It's going to have cold, sweating bottles sitting on it, probably get pieces of ice on it, etc.

I guess that's what I get for plowing ahead without doing my homework.

The Bleeder
7th July 2010, 08:28 AM
I guess that's what I get for plowing ahead without doing my homework.

Well lets forget about not doing your homework.

First things first....Hi and welcome to the madhouse.

If your mates are anything like mine then a good sand back and this time use a 2 pack top coat or a marine varnish. It has to be hard wearing just like your mates.

Hope this is all you'll need.

7th July 2010, 11:39 AM
f your mates are anything like mine then a good sand back and this time use a 2 pack top coat or a marine varnish. It has to be hard wearing just like your mates.

I'm going to show my ignorance here again, but what exactly is a 2 pack top coat and how is it different? And what would I be looking for?

The Bleeder
7th July 2010, 01:00 PM
Expoy resin with a hardener. Like they use in fiberglassing.

7th July 2010, 03:49 PM
I've done something similar but have stained the wood instead of painting it. I've gone over the stain with three coats of Bondall Ultra Gloss exterior grade varnish. It looks good after the first coat, but the 2nd and third bring it up even better. I've had all sort of things end up on the bar - cold cans, ice, sauce, dips etc etc. It just wipes off, and even if I havent noticed it until cleaning up the next day, it still comes up with no marks or stains. Good Luck.