View Full Version : G'day y'all

24th June 2010, 11:33 PM
G'day y'all from the Ozark region of Arkansas, USA.
I had a little trouble getting logged in here, must have been storm in the mid-Atlantic that sunk my signal. :wink:
Anyway, I am a hobby woodworker and turner. I took an interest in joining here when we learned our son and his family are taking a sabbatical and moving to Australia for about one year. We hope to be able to visit them in December.
While there I think it would be fun to meet some woodworkers or turners.
I belong to a very nice discussion group called Family Woodworking.
Family Woodworking - Powered by vBulletin
As the name implies, we keep things very civil and acceptable for everyone. Great bunch of members.
I'm looking forward to reading and participating in posts here.

25th June 2010, 08:31 PM
Welcome aboard Rifleman. I am sure you will meet up with some oh the guys here if you visit Australia later this year. We have get a together in various states from time to time and it's really friendly and nice to meet up with people from the forum.

25th June 2010, 11:08 PM
Welcome to the forum.