View Full Version : disguising borer holes

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13th June 2010, 01:50 PM
G'Day mate, just logged on to this site by chance. I am looking for some advice re borer holes. I have some rough sawn kauri which I am hoping to make in to a headboard and I have so far put it through the thicknesser and sawn it to a supposed finished size. I am busy sanding it down and was hoping to finish it with beeswax/turps/linseed oil rub. However there are some borer holes, (a very few) and I seem to have been able to get rid of most by sanding down the surface. However there are a couple that I think may go deeper and am reluctant to keep sanding as I will end up with a very thin piece of wood indeed. Has anyone got a method for disguising these holes in a clear finish? The wood has now been treated for borer and is looking really nice in its raw state but before I go ahead with the finishing process is there a way to reduce the visual effect of these holes? Any advice would be much appreciated!

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f85/disguising-borer-holes-91268/)