View Full Version : admit your mistakes,or FUPS!!

Reno RSS Feed
11th June 2010, 10:00 AM
Everybody at some stage will have a f*** up! Usaually these involve a 0 or a 100mm and always short rather than long [ apart from the odd window ] Whether its the guy who forgets to put the plumbing in before the concrete pour or the bath not being able to fit in the new bathroom. I will start off by admitting to cutting all my very expensive lvl joists at 5011 rather than 5101 all twentyfour of them! :doh:Thankfully there was a easy solution. The other one that comes to mind involved measuring the end of a roof and assuming that the other end would be the same!!! Not, :no: ended up with a very large ridge capping to hide the mistake.So come on don't tell me that none of you fup!!:!

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f85/admit-your-mistakes-fups-91241/)