View Full Version : puzzle finish question

5th June 2010, 03:51 PM
I'm fairly new to this so please excuse my simple question. :-

I'm making a few friends some puzzles which they can paint with their children. I don't really want to give them raw ones so was wondering can I shellac them and then they can paint them or is there another way to go about it?


6th June 2010, 10:38 AM
You could use Water dye under Shellac (http://www.ubeaut.com.au/hardshell.htm)which would give you both colour and a child-safe finish.:)


7th June 2010, 12:33 AM
You can use our Sanding Sealer (http://www.ubeaut.com.au/sandseal.htm) which will will allow paint, dye etc to be applied after a light sanding.

If you use Water Dye you need to seal it in with shellac or another surface coating.

Used to make similar many years ago and they were very, very popular.. Really thoughtful gift ideas and something that parents or grandies can do with the kids. Good to see someone else doing them.

Cheers - Neil :U