View Full Version : Shou-sugi ban and wax finish for Japanese Cedar

31st May 2010, 12:22 AM
I'm approaching the end of a doll's house project and starting to turn my mind toward finishes.

I'm thinking of shou-sugi ban for the outside walls given that it will be used as a plaything I won't use the original method, rather the cleaner finish sought here Shou-sugi-ban Pursuing Wabi (http://pursuingwabi.com/2007/11/05/shou-sugi-ban/). Also thinking of finishing with a beeswax/linseed/gum turps finish rather than the straight oil used there.

As it is for my very young children toxicity it a big concern. I read somewhere that burning the cedar may render it unsuitable for internal use because of toxic gases. Would a small project still raise similar concerns?

Also wanting to check that my home made wax would be non toxic. The only thing I'm really unsure of is the gum turpentine. If so I could go for u-beaut or some such.

tea lady
31st May 2010, 01:04 AM
I don't really have any answers, but the idea looks really interesting. :think: I don't know what toxic gases would come off it. If you are worried maybe seal it with sanding seeler. Then your oil beeswax finish. Once the turpentine has evaporated off it shouldn't cause a problem. :shrug: would love to see the end result.:cool::)

31st May 2010, 01:19 AM
For the traditional finish (mmmmm!!) see here...

Shou-sugi-ban & Terunobu Fujimori; charred cedar siding… Materia Designs (http://materiadesigns.wordpress.com/2009/12/27/shou-sugi-ban-terunobu-fujimori-charred-cedar-siding/)

tea lady
31st May 2010, 02:31 PM
:oo: That one is definitely charred. Not just a light suntan. Might be bit spooky in a fire prone area. :C