View Full Version : Gum Turpentine vs Mineral "Turps" Turpentine

22nd September 2004, 08:50 AM

I was reading yesterday somewhere that someone used Gum T to thin some oil down, (not sure if it was the Organoil website or not...)

I was wondering what is the difference between Gum and Mineral turpentine??

And when/what is Gum turpentine used for??


22nd September 2004, 09:20 AM
You might get some answers here (or a headache).

25th September 2004, 12:58 PM
Pure (gum, wood) Turpentine is derived by destructive distillation of wood and contains mainly pinene and dipentene. It is a known sensitiser (not a good thing) and may manifest itself as a skin rash or inflammation or as an asthmatic condition, and in some individuals this reaction can be extremely severe. It is also thought to be a cause kidney failure if abrorbed through the pores of the skin. It can cause many mental problems and is one of the reasons why so many of the great artists were certifiable nut cases. Don't be fooled into thinking that natural is always better. Often times is definitely is not. :eek:

Mineral turpentine is a refined petroleum solvent and is a mixture of straight and branched chain paraffins, naphthenes and aromatic hydrocarbons. Basically it aint anywhere near as bad for you as the other stuff. :)

Cheers - Neil :D