View Full Version : Concealed Hinges

Reno RSS Feed
12th May 2010, 10:20 PM
I have an opening, roughly 1690x2090, that I want to put 3 doors in. I already have the doors which are 520x2040x35mm solid core.The look I wanted to achieve was just doors, stiles and small gaps with no hinges showing. I was looking at some very nice SOS concealed hinges but when I found out that they were $130 each I quickly decided that they were out of the question. I bought some Blum kitchen cabinet hinges instead hoping they would do the job but, from what I can see, they are only good for 16mm thick doors - they won't open properly with a 35mm thick door. Does anybody know of any other reasonably priced hinge or some other idea that will give me the desired outcome? Thanks in advance.

Read and reply to the full thread at RenovateForum.com.... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f84/concealed-hinges-90776/)