View Full Version : dog behaviour in woodworking shed!!!

19th September 2004, 11:34 AM
Probably not the right forum but what the hey :rolleyes: Just wondering if anyone else out there had dogs that go crazy in the shed.

My brother has 2 collies A male and its daughter (female for the intellectually challenged :o ) Each time they come round and I am in the shed they both go nuts.
The male starts chasing "invisible" stuff round and round the shed (probably very fine dust) and each time I use the saw he tries to attack the dust port.
On the other hand the female tries to eat every piece of wood on the floor. She is not normally a chewer and only chews wood. Even to the extent of licking up any wood shavings lying around. She also takes any shavings that fly out of the thicknesser straight out of the air before they hit the ground!!

Are they just nuts or do other dogs do this sort of thing???? :confused:

19th September 2004, 06:45 PM
wait till they try chewing up a noisy thicknesser.

19th September 2004, 07:07 PM
My two just drop a ball at my feet and say "Come on, let's play".

19th September 2004, 07:31 PM
Most dogs dont like the noise but the noise excites the odd dog

Dogs underfoot in a woodwork shed could be a real safety hazard.

simon c
19th September 2004, 08:01 PM
My dogs won't come in the shed as I keep the most terrifying item known to dogkind (a vacuum cleaner) by the front door.

By the way, they are 3-year olds and a bit bigger now than my picture suggests, and yes the one on the left is a real dog and not a soft toy.


19th September 2004, 08:41 PM
I keep the most terrifying item known to dogkind (a vacuum cleaner)

Sadly, not for all dogs. My boy loves the vacuum cleaner. Chases the head around and barks. Makes cleaning so much fun, however it takes an age.

Dogs underfoot in a woodwork shed could be a real safety hazard.

Yes, I yell at them and they begrudgingly leave.

20th September 2004, 02:23 AM
My staffy loves chewing wood and anything from the garden... snails, slugs, twigs, roots of plants. Very earthy.

Other then causing a safety hazard, like us, dogs can suffer from skin probs so just let the owner know that the dust could make them itch.