View Full Version : an interesting device
23rd April 2010, 11:35 AM
What do you make of this little device?
23rd April 2010, 02:41 PM
Instead of putting up all these links to these weird and wonderful devices and theories Id like to also hear what YOU understand about same and what YOU think of them.
I enjoy a good argument on things scientific but generally don't have the time or desire to wade through your copious links to check how well you understand the contents of same.......
Post up a link and then short note describing what you understand about contents of same and Ill gladly engage with you.
Cheers Martin
23rd April 2010, 02:57 PM
Instead of putting up all these links to these weird and wonderful devices and theories Id like to also hear what YOU understand about same and what YOU think of them.
I enjoy a good argument on things scientific but generally don't have the time or desire to wade through your copious links to check how well you understand the contents of same.......
Post up a link and then short note describing what you understand about contents of same and Ill gladly engage with you.
Cheers Martin
Just another form of laziness.:~
Knowing what Hughie does for a living I'd say he has a pretty good grasp of the doc. Yes I down loaded it a quick scan as I converted it to PDF and will read later.
Thanks Hughie :2tsup:
23rd April 2010, 03:19 PM
It looks to me like an idea that was thought of in 1968 and never really took off. Can't say i've seen it incorporated in too many things. But i only skimmed it and couldn't be bothered reading the whole thing.
23rd April 2010, 03:24 PM
I always like to delve into the websites that are the source of such documents. Lets log in to and see what we find:
<b><big style="color: rgb(204, 0, 0);">Rex Research</big> was established in 1982 by Robert A. Nelson ( to archive and distribute " InFolios " -- Information Folios -- of collected articles about suppressed, dormant, or emerging Sciences, Technologies, Inventions, Theories, Therapies, and miscellaneous Alternatives that offer some Hope to help Liberate Humanity from its Stupidity and from evile Psychopaths ( ( &c ). Enow, Freedom </b><sup style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><small><small>(TM)</small></small></sup>*, Truth <sup style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><small><small>(TM)</small></small></sup>, Love <sup style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><small><small>(TM)</small></small></sup> and Earth <small style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><small><sup>(TM)</sup></small></small> are gravely wounded, whilst Time <small><small><sup>(TM)</sup> </small></small>is accelerating / compressing -- running out, along with the Oxygen <sup><small><small>(TM)</small></small></sup> & Oil <small><small><sup>(TM)</sup> </small></small>& Money <small><small><sup>(TM)</sup> </small></small>& Luck <sup><small><small>(TM) </small></small></sup>& Stuff <small><small><sup>(TM)</sup> </small></small>-- in these Latter Days of this era of "Civilization" as we knew it...
... Enjoy your visit, and y'all come back again real soon now !
23rd April 2010, 03:27 PM
And lets have a look at Robert A Nelson's bio while were at it:
About :<center>Robert A. Nelson</center> <center> Curriculum Vitaemin Supplementum
<hr width="62%"></center>
He is the Reincarnation of all Life in all its forms since Now.
He is the Most Humble Being in the Universe, and damned Proud of it.
He enjoys a rewarding Weekend Career as a Gigolo at Area 52, servicing the Needful Things of various Alien Races, thus ensuring the Supremacy of His DNA in the Universes, with only mildly psychopathic Genitalia-Pity for You. He says, "On Friday night 'They' fly me from Jean ( Airport to Area 52. On Monday morning I wake up with a sore nose & ass, no memory, and my codpiece stuffed with $10,000 cash."
He also acts as Earth Ambassador to the Pleiadians and Dracos.
He is the Illuminati Station Chief for the SW USA, HQ LV NV.
He is the Illuminati choice for President of the USA in 2012 !
Works-In-Progress : ---
Pilates of the Caribbean : A physical fitness instructor moonlights as an organ-harvester in Haiti.
The Enema Trilogy :
(1) A Russian Proctologist moonlights as a sniper during the WW2 Siege of Leningrad. Working Title: Enema at the Gates...
(2) A German Proctologist serves as a Submariner during WW2. Working Title: The Enema Below... Alternate Title: Das Booty
(3) An Italian Proctologist-cum-Gynecologist ministers to Mussolini's Wife during WW2. Working Title: Il Douche ...
You decide for yourself but I think this guy is a complete nutter....
Cheers Martin
23rd April 2010, 04:37 PM
But i only skimmed it and couldn't be bothered reading the whole thing.
Funny but I started feeling the same way after labouring through the first page......the bottles of Steinlager sitting in the fridge suddenly became alot more interesting.
The great thing about downing a cold beer is you dont have to put a whole lot of thought into it.
Master Splinter
23rd April 2010, 08:43 PM
Not quite 'Time Cube (' like nuttiness, but getting there.
Let's face it, if the mechanism offered any substantial benefits over existing devices, someone, somewhere would have it in production, even if they did so only to have something to claim as a justification to get their hefty bonus package. Remember - 'virtually no friction' does not equal 'no friction'.
But Gene Ray says it best:
"Simple Cube Divinity is the most perfect and life supporting form existing in the universe and on Earth - including Earth itself. Do you realize that a 4 corner square rotating 1/4 turn creates a full circle? A full rotated square will create16 corners, 96 hours and 4 simultaneous24 hour Day circles within only a single imaginary cubed Earth roation."
joe greiner
23rd April 2010, 11:19 PM
I have a vague recollection of reading about it at the time of its introduction, and I thought it was the neatest thing since sliced bread. Low-friction linear actuators immediately come to mind now, especially in a dirty environment, with proper enclosure.
A better source of info would be Google [rolamite applications]. FWIW, Google patents ( Google Patents ( ) has downloadable pdfs of patent documents.
A variation (sort of) was and is (I think) in production in the Randolph pump - two-opposing rollers on a rotating arm, squeezing a loop of rubber tubing. Utterly impervious to contamination, of blood for example.
And while we're at it, consider the rolling loop film transport mechanism (an Aussie invention IIRC) used in high-speed cameras and projectors such as IMAX.
23rd April 2010, 11:28 PM
The question was " what do you make of the device" nothing more than that.
23rd April 2010, 11:39 PM
I have a vague recollection of reading about it at the time of its introduction, and I thought it was the neatest thing since sliced bread. Low-friction linear actuators immediately come to mind now, especially in a dirty environment, with proper enclosure.
Joe. yeah I came across it probably about the same time and played around with a crude version of it. I was impressed by its possibilities and looking back now wonder what happened to it.
Still, no doubt theres a heap of similar ideas that never made it. I used to think that if you built a better mouse trap etc etc. Nah its all about marketing and backing. :U.
24th April 2010, 09:43 AM
The question was " what do you make of the device" nothing more than that.
And my question is what do YOU make of the device?
24th April 2010, 09:49 AM
I used to think that if you built a better mouse trap etc etc. Nah its all about marketing and backing. :U.
Let's face it, a majority of inventors are in it to make a buck and to make a buck you have to get financial backing and engage in marketing.
You'll notice that 90% of the websites spruiking these amazing lost technologies and free energy devices include an ad for some sort of booklet for which money is being asked. These guys aren't pushing this stuff out of the goodness of their hearts...there trying to make a fast buck like everybody else. In the old days it was snake oil..these days its free energy..nothing has changed.
24th April 2010, 10:39 AM
And while we're at it, consider the rolling loop film transport mechanism (an Aussie invention IIRC) used in high-speed cameras and projectors such as IMAX.
Now THAT is interesting stuff.
"Over in Brisbane, Australia, there was an engineer called Ron Jones who had always been fascinated by cinematograph equipment. He owned a repair workshop and back in the 1960's he had been working on an entirely new film transport system. He found that he could advance film through a projector in gentle caterpillar like waves on to fixed registration pins using compressed air jets to cushion the film movement. Ron called his unique system 'The Rolling Loop' and immediately took out a patent."
24th April 2010, 07:05 PM
Let's face it, a majority of inventors are in it to make a buck and to make a buck you have to get financial backing and engage in marketing.Thats pretty well true and depending on the device etc it can be a great amount or well with in the means of the inventor.By and large if it flys under the Chinese manufacturing radar your in with a chance.
You'll notice that 90% of the websites spruiking these amazing lost technologies and free energy devices include an ad for some sort of booklet for which money is being asked. These guys aren't pushing this stuff out of the goodness of their hearts...there trying to make a fast buck like everybody else. In the old days it was snake oil..these days its free energy..nothing has changed.I never really give that part of the web sites much interest, just generally fossick around for whatever I can glean that catches my interest. With Rexresearch site you can just about access everything there which I found handy. some of which I have had a go at building with varying measures of success.
joe greiner
24th April 2010, 11:07 PM
No doubt, there are several hucksters flogging inventions for the sole purpose of luring gullible investors. But many enterprises fail, without deliberate deception, owing to inadequate marketing or business model.
Fact is, only about 1-2% of inventions produce meaningful profit. The rest may serve as foundations for further development by others, or nothing at all.
The rolling loop was a major improvement. Aside from optical wizardry (octagonal prism), it's the only way to move very large chunks of film. The IMAX format is about 65mm wide, and runs sideways. With 4:3 aspect ratio, each frame is about 90mm long, and at least 3 frames (including the neighboring frames) must move effectively 48 times per second (24 in motion, and 24 stationary). Because of inertia, conventional claw pull-down would shred the sprocket holes instantly. High speed (for slow-motion photography) is even worse.