View Full Version : Removing Contact Glue Marks

18th April 2010, 09:27 AM
I recently veneered some loudspeaker cabinets with wood veneer using contact glue. Unfortunately I was not careful enough with the glue and have several places both on the faces of the cabinets and along the edges where there is left over glue. It is resistant to sanding and I am reluctant to try too hard to sand this off for fear of going right through the veneer.
Does anyone have any ideas about how best to remove this glue.
Thanks Mike

18th April 2010, 10:15 AM
You can do two things either sand or scrape off or some ( not soaked or saturated)
thinners on a rag and gently wipe off and scrape off residue , be carefull though as thinners can lift the veneer at your joins, take your time and good luck.
Regards Chowcini

18th April 2010, 05:22 PM
You maybe able to lightly scrape it off if you sand it to much you will wreck the veneer.

19th April 2010, 07:16 PM
Thanks for the replies. I will try using some thinners on a deliberately spoilt piece of scrap veneer first.