16th April 2010, 11:06 PM
Hi there,
I've been wondering if there is such a thing as a smaller bee hive like a miniature one that only holds halve the bees and it is half the size.
Regards Ben
17th April 2010, 01:19 AM
nope ...the hive needs to be that size as it has to do with bee space and the numbers of bees or they will swarm or leave anyway. The supers can be different sizes but still standard. Best to check with primary industries in your state as there are strict guide lines to bee keeping.
17th April 2010, 02:21 AM
Native bees will use a hive that is smaller than the hive of the non-native honeybee, might be an option if u are looking to keep bees of some sort, not sure about native bees down your way tho, (species):? ours up here don't like the cold, I have a hive in a silky oak log that I salvaged, they hang around the entrance until it's warm enuff to go off collecting and when it's real cold they don't go out at all, further south some means of warming is usually required for native bee hives.
Wood Butcher
26th April 2010, 03:14 PM
Check you PM's! there any many different sizes all of which are "standard" right down to a 4 frame nucleus hive.