View Full Version : G,day all,how goes it?
1st April 2010, 09:50 PM
Im an ageing chippie heading toward retirement hopefully sooner rather than later,gonna have a crack at joinery in all my spare time, hope to knock up useful items for family and friends, while away the hours out back in the shed you get the picture.I would like to build pieces from timber I have recycled myself and this is where my dilemma begins.Looking to purchase a decent table saw and in the past I have had no problem in evaluating and deciding on what tools of the trade to buy but now i find myself at crossroads over which of these saws to choose from. I have narrowed my search down to the Carbatec tsc-10hb or the cth-110l. I would greatly appreciate opinions from owners and users of these fine saws cheers sorgi.
1st April 2010, 10:18 PM
welcome to the mad house
regards Michael
2nd April 2010, 05:58 AM
G'day Sorgi and welcome to the bliss of the cyber shed.!!!:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:
If you go to the bar just above here and click on "search" you can type in "table saw and see what comes up. There has been some recent discussion on these models.
2nd April 2010, 09:13 AM
There are heaps of threads on the forum discussing the TS issue and may be of help to you. On the other hand iot may leave you even more confused. :) Welcome aboard.:2tsup:
2nd April 2010, 09:15 AM
Here is one to get you going, there are heaps more if you do a search. Start Here (
2nd April 2010, 09:39 PM
Welcome to the forum.
Retired huh. Something I have no intention on doing. Well almost. :U
3rd April 2010, 07:47 AM
Welcome! Retirement sounds good although I don't want to get there too quickly! I know I will enjoy it though :D.
3rd April 2010, 07:11 PM
Thank you all for the '' Woodies'' welcome very entertaining and informative forums wish I,d cottoned on sooner. Anyway I think I may have given the impression of approaching retirement, as much as I wish that to be the case Im afraid I,ll be climbing ladders with a nail gun in hand for some time yet. But I do think about retirement and days spent playing with big noisy toys in the shed hence the forward planning.
By the way Munruben I agree with you fully,Im even more confused now in my quest for the perfect table saw.
Good fortune to you all. Sorgi
3rd April 2010, 11:59 PM
Hey sorgi,
I see you're in Gawler, is that SA?
If it is............ and this is a bit random mate but if you happen to come across Specialised Stonework Services who is based in Gawler, ask for and say hello from Crackerboy in Perth!!
Welcome mate!!!