View Full Version : Feast watson Prooftint & Nitro

28th March 2010, 08:40 PM
I am spraying a mahogany guitar with Mirotone 3220 pre-cat lacquer. I've put on 4 coats so far. Now i would like to put on a few coats of lightly tinted Mirocat. I've got a few little plastic bottles of Feast Watson prooftint spirit stain (Oak, Golden Teak and Cedar) and I would like to experiment with mixing a few together. The plan is to slightly redden the colour of the mahogany.

Does anyone know if this stuff will successfully tint the Mirocat? The instructions on the bottle and the FW website only mention mixing it with FW products.

I could try mixing a bit myself and spraying it, but that won't tell me anything about the colourfastness of the stain. Would appreciate any advice.

28th March 2010, 09:22 PM
It SHOULD be ok as far as the chemistry is concerned - to be sure, put a small quantity of your thinned lacquer in a glass jar, and add a few drops of the Prooftint. If it beads on the surface and won't easily mix, you have a problem. But I don't think you will.

As to colour fastness - any solvent dye based stain is fugitive to some degree; reds the most of all. Pigment stains are less colour fugitive, but the reds will fade over time with enough light exposure.

28th March 2010, 10:16 PM
Thanks KJ,
I'll do as you suggest. I've also emailed FW to see if they have an answer.

As it's going on a guitar it will rarely be subjected to sunlight.


14th January 2011, 04:54 AM
how did this work out?
was just googling for the same thing.mixing a feast watson with nitro

16th January 2011, 11:38 AM
It worked beautifully!