View Full Version : A Different Perspective

26th March 2010, 04:07 PM
Recently I received a forum personal message requesting some assistance. Nothing really difficult but involved a small amount of money.

As I'm preparing to get the "package" into the post, SWMBO asks what I'm doing. I explain and SWMBO starts into the "You don't know these people. That's real money and so forth." I said that it wasn't that much money and, "I'm dealing with AUSTRALIA and not someone in the US or someone like your brother."

Well Mates, stand tall and proud. Your fellow countryman did not disappoint. I sent the package and the funds crossed in the mail. I never doubted for a moment that I would be reimbursed for my cash outlay.

26th March 2010, 04:16 PM

BTW, I've had my eye on a 59 model Caddy near you.....could you arrange the shipping ???

:D :D :D
Just kidding.

26th March 2010, 04:20 PM
Oh Noel, you are awful!!:q:;

26th March 2010, 05:20 PM
Got an errant BIL have we?:rolleyes:

1st April 2010, 10:23 AM
Got an errant BIL have we?:rolleyes:

Yes. He was in for a year and the first three months he was still trying to scam people for money. The best line that I heard was that "He needed a TV for his room."

1st April 2010, 11:43 AM
You should be careful Rich, the original request might have been testing the waters for a huge shipment of contraband. :cool:
As far as forum members are concerned, i don't think i have seen a friendlier group of people who are always willing to help each other out. You can all have a greenie. It might take a while to send one to each member though so i better get started.

Carry Pine
10th April 2010, 04:55 PM
I must agree with the comments above. One in ten of my e bay purchases goes sour but I've never had any trouble on the Forum. People send me things free (it's reciprocal) and don't even expect postage sometimes.
The descriptions of things are genuine- nothing worse than buying a cheap plane on e bay and finding it's bits and pieces of 3 different (sized) planes.

I'm basically a 'buyer' so i don't really see the other side but i understand on e bay there is a big problem with sellers receiving the message that the goods didn't arrive and they have lost their sale + the item.
