View Full Version : Fruitwood Stain??

25th March 2010, 06:29 PM
Hi all,
Wondering if someone can help me.
I've been reading Neil Ellis book and in it he refers to "Cabots Fruitwood stain" as a good one to have in your arsenal.
I have checked their catalogues etc and can't seem to find it.
Does anyone know if they still make it and if so is it under a different name now? If they don't can anyone recomend another brand that might be readily available.



27th March 2010, 09:53 AM
Its a Cabots interior stain and "fruitwood" is colour. Not sure if still avaible bought some about 12 months ago.

7th April 2010, 11:12 PM
I agree with Baldone. I've seen it on a 'sample' piece in Bunnings but it was crossed out (ie they had a cross marked with a permanent marker on it). It's no longer made but was a colour which was very similar to a floorboard we wanted to match... so we were totally bummed out that it wasn't available.

It's listed on this site:
Ready Mix Stain Colors for Interior Surfaces | Cabot (http://www.cabotstain.com/colors-and-finishes/families/Ready-Mix-Colors.html) just no longer available here in Australia I suppose.