View Full Version : Hi from Berowra
Beetle Shirt
19th March 2010, 05:37 PM
Hi all, I found this site while trying to find some ideas on benches and layout for my new shed. Turns out it's much harder to start with a clean slate than whinge and moan about the shortcomings of your current workspace. Who knew? :D
I read through a few threads on workbenches and saw some very impressive work. Decided that my first bench in the new shed will be a general workbench for the metal/automotive stuff, but while it's still shiny and new it will be used to make the wood bench. Still trying to decide whether I go for broke with the wood bench, or take the sensible option and aim lower, knowing I'll make another one later anyway.
Haven't done a lot of woodwork in the past, but picked up some nice slabs during a trip to Tassie a few years back that I hope to turn into something spectacular. Be nice to be able to justify my hobby of collecting tools. :rolleyes:
19th March 2010, 05:50 PM
G'day Beetle Shirt and welcome to a multitude of frustrations and solutions that will cover every aspect of woodworking .. and then some>:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:
Are you close tp the water where you are? Beautiful area there, especially around the water.
19th March 2010, 06:08 PM
Welcome aboard.
19th March 2010, 06:09 PM
Welcome at this rate NSW might have a chance of out numbering the Victorian's on the forum.
Nice area Berowra more so as Artme said if near the water he should talk he's Gold Coast.
Your in good company up there a few snobby forumites like Ozkaban and Sawdustmaker live that way :;:U
So you being a tool collector will be at Asquith Boys High in May for the old tool sale.
19th March 2010, 07:27 PM
Hi, Welcome to the forum.
19th March 2010, 07:32 PM
Hi there Beetle, welcome to the furum
"Your in good company up there a few snobby forumites like Ozkaban and Sawdustmaker live that way "
from another Berowra-ite.
At this rate we could think about starting a sub-club.
cheers, Colin
19th March 2010, 08:19 PM
Welcome to the forum.
When you need a tool you should be able to find it. :doh:
That's a problem I have and I only have a little amount of tools. :U
Beetle Shirt
19th March 2010, 11:15 PM
Whoa, so many replies! :oo:
Sometimes it would be great being on the water, but sadly most times it's better being close to the train station, so I'm in Berowra proper, not B. Heights or B. Waters. I was working out near Castle Hill for about a year though, so a lot of mornings I got to go over the ferry and through Arcadia and Galston before hitting traffic at Dural. Made going to work a lot more pleasant.
Colhu, Ozkaban and Sawdustmaker - all in Berowra? Be nice to meet some Berowra woodies. I have big holes in my tool collection and skill set that I'd like to fill - one of the biggies is that I only have an electric plane :B. Yes, I'm going to fix that, but I'd kinda like to fix up old ones rather than pay bulk dollars for decent quality, and I have a slight handicap in that I don't know much about them at all. I don't want to get rubbish out of ignorance, I much prefer to buy a tool once. Anyone want to impart some wisdom and experience? :D
Beetle Shirt
20th March 2010, 12:12 AM
So you being a tool collector will be at Asquith Boys High in May for the old tool sale.
What? Tool sale? Yep! When is it? Know what's on the list?
When you need a tool you should be able to find it. :doh:
I can always find them! They're in the shed somewhere! :q
My father used that all the time. "Dad, have you seen X?" "It's in the shed somewhere!" Used to drive me nuts.
20th March 2010, 08:29 AM
What? Tool sale? Yep! When is it? Know what's on the list?
I can always find them! They're in the shed somewhere! :q
My father used that all the time. "Dad, have you seen X?" "It's in the shed somewhere!" Used to drive me nuts.
Here you go Beetle Nut see this thread
or this
Beetle Shirt
20th March 2010, 01:18 PM
"Beetle Nut" :U
Yep, I'm in. Hopefully that will give me enough time to sort out what I need.
20th March 2010, 03:50 PM
"Beetle Nut" :U
Yep, I'm in. Hopefully that will give me enough time to sort out what I need.
:doh: My apologies Beetle Shirt are you a Beetle nut?? Fab 4 musical, pest type or VW??
Beetle Shirt
20th March 2010, 08:24 PM
Nope, actually it came from the anagram generator at
For hexample, wheelinround comes up with 5232 anagrams, such as Nodule Whiner. The one above it is more amusing, but I don't think it would get past the forum censors...:rolleyes:
Eldanos of KDM
20th March 2010, 08:51 PM
Need anything at all I'm in Middle Dural mate. Welcome to the family. I'm surprised there are so many people out our way!
Always happy to help
Beetle Shirt
20th March 2010, 10:18 PM
Hi Dane, does that mean you're on a 5 acre block? I'd love to be out there - heaps of room for a decent shed! :D