View Full Version : GFC is not over!

9th March 2010, 08:50 AM
the GFC is far from over.

up untill now i have had a steady stream of work as i always have.B
ut in teh last few weeks work has pretty mutch dried up.
treelopers are in teh same boat. most i know have no or verry little work and have had to lay of tehre workers. one had 20 blokes working for them full time.

a few other people i have spoken to in other businesses and they are also slow.

9th March 2010, 11:38 AM
We're all busy paying our taxes, rates, insurance, water, regos...no money left for gardening :)

My insurance went up 50% this year.

I think it's the Bligher effect Carl, queensland, not the whole world. Of course the rest of the world is still up to their chins in it :)

9th March 2010, 03:51 PM
Qld labor are a bunch of a#*eholes...

In other news, some are predicting the GFC is over....Others predict the worst is yet to come.... I am going to sit on the fence....I think we have little future long term for various reasons, but maybe coal and iron ore exports will keep us going... It is the only thing currently saving us...

9th March 2010, 04:15 PM
Well there is not much joy being a small businessman at the moment. Everyone seems to have a big time pucker going on and marketing budgets are being trashed. It is tough and if things dont settle down in Europe (Greece, Spain, Portugal and Ireland) the double dip will be well and truly on. Its amazing what can be done with Baked Beans.

9th March 2010, 06:03 PM
We have it a lot better here in Oz than they do over in the States from what I hear. And I think the economy over there is still in for more shocks. Ours seems to be more resilient, and the level of stupid debt seems to be much less here (I don't mean that all debt is stupid, but that the no security loans that were never going to be repaid were stupid, both on the part of the borrower and the lender). I'm hopeful that even though there is more trouble coming for the US and China and Europe that we may be insulated from much of it...

9th March 2010, 07:28 PM
A good week for that Blight on our state. Raises land taxes and drops the solar hot water susidy!!

9th March 2010, 07:31 PM
luckily i have no loans was brought up that if you cant afford to buy it you shouldn't have it.

but i still need to make enough money so we can keep the lights on and food on the table.

luckily all this rain makes the grass grow quickly.:2tsup: cos thats all thats keeping us going at the moment.

9th March 2010, 10:00 PM
It's nasty that your industry has come to feel the effects. :console: On a better side of it for you, if there is one, be thankful you are not in my industry and have been feeling it since Wall St sneezed back in October last year.

and marketing budgets are being trashed. Yep. :C

10th March 2010, 07:59 AM
you mean october 08?

10th March 2010, 08:15 AM
the GFC is far from over.

up untill now i have had a steady stream of work as i always have.B
ut in teh last few weeks work has pretty mutch dried up.
treelopers are in teh same boat. most i know have no or verry little work and have had to lay of tehre workers. one had 20 blokes working for them full time.

a few other people i have spoken to in other businesses and they are also slow.

Now Carl its time to take the advice of the "smarter ones" in the community - go get a credit card and take a holiday in Aus, works slowed down so when better to have a break, the money you spend will benefit the tourism sector and keep the economy moving , that way the GFC will disappear sooner.:?:?:D


10th March 2010, 09:10 AM
you mean october 08?

Was it that long ago? :cry4: My industry has been decimated.

10th March 2010, 11:09 AM
Carl, if your interested in brushcutting work I need my block slashed. It's steep though. Email me if interested (off the username at left). Personally I'd like the thing clear felled but the council have other ideas (VPO)....