View Full Version : Can you spray Sikkens on front doors?

21st February 2010, 07:15 AM
Apply 2 coats Cetol Filter 7, by brush. Allowing at least 24-48 hours drying time between coats. Always ensure the previous coat is thoroughly dry before applying the next.

Apply 2 coats Cetol HLS, by brush. Ensure all surfaces are well coated. Allow at least 24 hours drying time between coats.

Important points to note:
All coatings are to be applied liberally and by natural bristle brush. Applicator pads, rollers etc tend to spread the product too thin and lay the product lightly over the surface, whereas the bristles of a brush work the product into the timber fibres for better penetration and adhesion.

The above advice is from Sikkens. My preference is brush the first coat, as indicated in the "Important points to note", and then to spray the subsequent coats as you are not working directly on the timber.

Can anyone please enlighten me on this, as I don't want to do the wrong thing and have to scrape it all off in a couple of years time.

I am in the tropics, and the door gets exposure to a severe northern and western sun and weather all year.

28th March 2010, 08:51 AM
Are there any experienced painters who can help with this, please?

28th March 2010, 10:01 AM
Don't spray.

Spraying oils is very, very dangerous the mist from all oils can cause major lung problems.

6th April 2010, 12:44 AM
I should imagine Sikkens is the same over there as it is in the UK. In which case yes it can be sprayed and it can be thinned with water after the initial first coat, very light sand between coats with a fibre pad
Good Luck

7th April 2010, 09:49 PM
hi,i used the same two products on my wrcedar ranch style home in broadford vic back in 1993,i brushed both products on and top coat dried to a very thick finish,much like honey might look at first if it was painted on,i have to say its the thick coat that gives it the durability,the house has not been painted since and does not look like needing a freshen up,thats 17 years now and i would happily pay the high price for the quality if i ever build another wrc.i was recommended the cetol stuff by our family doctor who built in Warburton vic in 1985 and his paint finish has not been touched either,thats 25 years!!i have no connections with cetol blah blah.

8th April 2010, 01:57 AM
Nice reccomendation:2tsup: I do feel you get what you pay for and you must surely agree after all that time:U

10th April 2010, 11:55 PM
Hi Jill, You may have gone ahead with the job already but just my 2cents worth.
One of the local custom door builders told me it was a given that Sikkens was the best finish for my door which I did last year. All brushed finish as per manuf directions and finish is very professional looking & I doubt it could look better even if sprayed.:2tsup:
I couldn't be happier 12 months down the track & I'm also in the tropics. :)