View Full Version : hello from over the pond
6th February 2010, 05:29 AM
HI i am in the uk :no: hello can any one help me out....
i am looking at inporting if i can find it air dryed hickory real super heigh grade stuff, or spoted gum in to the uk fore me to make bokkens fore my local club
i have never made fore my self before i have been a wood worker/cabanetmaker/joiner before,
now i have insperation i have no wood lol...
HELP!:U i am looking fore saw mill,s or timber yards around the world!!
6th February 2010, 07:06 AM
G'day duffseed and welcome to the show!!:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:
Interesting request but I am sure you will get the answers you need.
What are "bokkens"???:?:?
6th February 2010, 08:20 AM
bokkens are wood sords used to train with , thay can splinter and shards can kill the very best wood is hickory, but it has to be super good stuff like this grade 7....
i also reed spotted gum is also good, in the uk all i can get is 2m kiln dryed not real what i want
i want hand sorted air dryed or as good as i can get i will need to inport it from anywhare i can find to get it!!
again i am looking fore grade 7 hickory!!! a saw mill or lumber store that will ship to me!
i am told no graded hickory is inported as no one needs or wants it,:no:
Claw Hama
6th February 2010, 09:22 AM
Hi Duffseed, interesting hobby/sport you have there. Have you tried people/companies in the UK who make axe/pick handles etc? They should have some high grade timber. Good luck.
6th February 2010, 09:38 AM
thanks, well no, i need super grade wood and in the right size
thanks fore the post and info about the axe handels
ow ps i do ninpo ninjitsu bujinkan soke hatsume, japan peter brown uk
6th February 2010, 11:43 AM
Welcome duffseed. Can't help you out I'm afraid, maybe a google search might help.
6th February 2010, 07:16 PM
shure i have spen hours looking on google etc, i need to go to the sorse of this grade 7 hickory!
thanks fore the post, if no one has any idear i may try posting in timber ?
same post /thred now over in timber sub forem, thanks good day all
6th February 2010, 09:59 PM
Hi duffseed...What do they make cricket bats with?
6th February 2010, 10:21 PM
yes ok wood maybe?
7th February 2010, 09:08 AM
Welcome to the site.