View Full Version : You Aint Gunna Believe This!

3rd September 2004, 02:21 PM
For those of you that have been following the thread on Fuming with ammonia, you will have seen the discussion regarding Potassium Bichromate. Well I finally located some at a reasonable price only to be told that I couldnt buy it because it was a RESTRICTED SUBSTANCE. :confused:
NOT because it contains chromium.
NOT because it is a category 6 poison.
NOT because the fumes will send you blind or rot your lungs out.
NOT because skin contact is very dangerous.

BUT BECAUSE it can be used in the manufacture of, hold onto your hat, AMPHETAMINES - THE GOOD OLD SPEED.
So maybe my best bet is to sidle up to my friendly local pusher and whisper "Have you got any Potassium Bichromate mate" :eek:
Kind e
High Termite

3rd September 2004, 02:23 PM
Wouldn't the other reasons you outline be enough to deter you????

3rd September 2004, 02:49 PM
Wouldn't the other reasons you outline be enough to deter you????

Nah, I sniff petrol every time I fill the tank. I drive 40k twice a day on the F3. I smoke ciggies and drink beer wine and rum. I'm carrying schrapnel from a friendly fire drop short. I've been married three times. I rode motorbikes for 43 years. I've got a stent in my heart and a rebored ****hole.

Chromium potassium poisoning, Ha, I **** stronger than that. :D
Kind regards
Bulletproof Termite

3rd September 2004, 03:30 PM

I'm with you - Didn't get the drop short though. Got 3 stents, not clever enough to ride bikes and need a rebore :eek: :eek:

But I prefer my wood around a red - although the smokiness around a good whiskey is equally pleasing :D

Ain't life great :p

3rd September 2004, 03:47 PM
Potassium Bichromate, 100% ethanol, all i need now is a receipe and my shed is a drug factory. :cool: now there is a hobby that pays for itself :D

3rd September 2004, 03:57 PM
Jeez, there's hope for us young blokes yet :eek:

3rd September 2004, 05:23 PM
Bloody druggies - they ruin it for everyone don't they...... :rolleyes:

Try asking for potassium dichromate, see what they say about that one.

Works the same. :D

PS guess I'd better not admit to having been a drop short. Well artillery intelligence. Now there's 2 words that just don't go together. :eek:

5th September 2004, 01:23 PM
There is also another reason why K2Cr2O7 is not available to the general public, being such a damn good oxidiser it is also a good component of explosives. From memory even condy's crystals are now restricted ie KMnO4 for much the same reason.

6th September 2004, 09:36 AM
Try asking for potassium dichromate, see what they say about that one.
Neil, two names for the same stuff, thanks mate.
Worst part about the incident was I was OP, it was my own guns.
Kind regards

11th September 2004, 10:01 PM
Its surprising what is restricted now for a variety of "reasons" & I don't see that its gona ease up any time soon.

However, I made some enquiries about a couple of things a while ago & it seems if you can get the correct paperwork in order they'll be quite happy to sell to you.

But then you are on the "list" & likely to get visits from WHS & enviromental inspectors to ensure you have the correct "stuff" happening.

OH Bugger it, it's just Too hard!!!!

12th October 2004, 09:09 PM
Hi all,

We have similar problems in the UK. I use gentle, innocuous citric acid for 'pickling' the oxides off silver after soldering and the last time I tried to buy some I was told it is restricted as it can be used for making crack cocaine. You can't even get it for wine-making purposes any more, where you used to be able to just pick it off the shelf in the local chemist or home-brew shop.

I suppose I could always use hydrochloric acid instead, which I can buy relatively easily!!!

The world's gone mad. :confused:


12th October 2004, 09:35 PM
Or buy a lemon??

Al :)

13th October 2004, 11:12 AM
I've got two lemon trees and a grapefruit in the backyard :confused:

Does this now mean I'm a grower of a restricted substance :eek:

I knew there was something behind that avatar :o