View Full Version : Hard surface spray finish required

3rd February 2010, 11:25 AM
I am making a toy storage shelf unit out of ply. It has been primed with water based 3 in 1 primer/ undercoat/sealer sprayed on, and now needs a couple of white top coats that are hard wearing, hard enough to support large woven baskets( like cane) of toys scraping on each shelf.

Would water based enamel be tough enough ? The salesman at one of the large paint shops here said the Tabumans water based enamel has teflon added for a hard surface, and was pushing me towards that. At $84 a tin, I can understand why.

Also, should it be a glossy surface or satin finish for this type of application?

I would welcome any and all suggestions, please. I intend spray painting this.

3rd February 2010, 04:32 PM
...I intend spray painting this.

So you're still keen on spray painting then :D

Probably a good quality exterior gloss would suffice. I think there are hardner additives avaliable also.

3rd February 2010, 04:37 PM
yes Rod, I am determined to master this black art of spray painting :)

Hadn't thought of an outdoor finish before. Water based be suitable?

Master Splinter
3rd February 2010, 05:34 PM
Solvent, solvent, solvent....

Acrylic car paint is the hardest stuff outside of 2-pac - sprays well, too!

3rd February 2010, 08:25 PM
I would be thinking nitro laquer