View Full Version : Architrave position - double hung windows

Reno RSS Feed
2nd February 2010, 04:10 PM
Hey all. Just had double hung windows installed at the front of my victorian property. I've purchased federation 136mm architraves to fit outside and wondered if there was a "standard" position, e.g. how much of the window frame should be covered/revealed?

The frames are fairly chunky with the outside frame next to the side lights around 120mm's so I don't want to reveal too much otherwise it may not match the doorframe architrave width. However I can't cover most of the frame as I need to conceal the gap between the frame and weatherboards which is about 20-30mm's.


Read and reply to the full thread at RenovateForum.com.... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f84/architrave-position-double-hung-windows-89032/)