View Full Version : Allan's lost memory

1st February 2010, 11:00 AM
Allan rushes into his local doctors surgery and tells the receptionist "I need to see the Doctor, I've lost my memory" The girl looks up at Allan and asks "When did that happen" ? Allan replies "When did what happen"?

1st February 2010, 12:04 PM
Allan rushes into his local doctors surgery and tells the receptionist "I need to see the Doctor, I've lost my memory" The girl looks up at Allan and asks "When did that happen" ? Allan replies "When did what happen"?
OH JohnTut tut.
That is nearly as bad as the one.
A bloke goes running into a doctors surgery.Can someone help please?,can anyone help me?My mate is loosing his marbles.
The receptionist lookes at John and ask's how do you know that sir?
Well he has a hole in his pocket and I need to sow it up in a hurry.:B

3rd February 2010, 02:13 PM

3rd February 2010, 02:16 PM
I think these jokes are inappropriate :; Isn't Allan in hospital have gawl bladder op they should be horsepital and nurse and enema jokes.:D

Hope you ok Allan :2tsup:

3rd February 2010, 08:44 PM
I think these jokes are inappropriate :; Isn't Allan in hospital have gawl bladder op they should be horsepital and nurse and enema jokes.:D

Hope you ok Allan :2tsup:Yeah he is Ray, One of the nurses said "he had a lot of gall" :)

3rd February 2010, 08:48 PM
I saw him on Sunday and he looked a little flushed actually:D

3rd February 2010, 09:04 PM
I saw him on Sunday and he looked a little flushed actually:D I heard he has lost a couple of stone.:) Hi David. hope you are well. pity you not coming to the GTG would have been nice to catch up again.

3rd February 2010, 09:07 PM
Its ok Allan its just a flash in the pan:D

3rd February 2010, 09:10 PM
Its ok Allan its just a flash in the pan:DDon't worry about Allan, Ray, he has plenty of grit.:)

3rd February 2010, 09:16 PM
Don't worry about Allan, Ray, he has plenty of grit.:)

Lst week you said he was full of sh....t:; but I guess he's now fully flushed

3rd February 2010, 09:22 PM
Lst week you said he was full of sh....t:; but I guess he's now fully flushedHope he has stopped rattling when he walks. he coughed last week and shattered his next door neighbours window.

3rd February 2010, 09:23 PM
I feel sorry for him. If he is on a catheter, then it means even the nurses are taking the P**s out of him.

3rd February 2010, 09:26 PM
Allan was meeting up with some fellow to have a trailer load of Osage Orange cut up

Hope that got done first he's got to have priorities right.

It will be a while before he produces a log

3rd February 2010, 09:27 PM
I feel sorry for him. If he is on a catheter, then it means even the nurses are taking the P**s out of him.:D You realise that Allan isn't going to take this thread lying down.:)

3rd February 2010, 09:35 PM
Allan was meeting up with some fellow to have a trailer load of Osage Orange cut up

Hope that got done first he's got to have priorities right.

It will be a while before he produces a logI think it was those Rocky Roads that he eats that caused his problem. :)

3rd February 2010, 09:38 PM
I see while he's out of sight out of mind V has got stuck in and is selling of his gear e-divorce (http://shop.ebay.com.au/mrobins2006/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p4340)

Allan at Wallan
6th February 2010, 06:31 PM
Well, what a load of rubbish my "mates" put on here while I have
been suffering in silence.

Went in on Tuesday for supposed "key-hole" removal of a stone
and the gall bladder and expected to be home in a couple of days.

Key-hole attempted but inadequate, so an incision requiring 26 staples
has been done and results of a biopsy will be made known on Tuesday.

In the meantime there will be no lawn mowing, weeding, woodturning,
lifting or driving undertaken until further notice. I will just have to sit
at the computer and see the drivel that my supposed "mates" have


7th February 2010, 10:07 AM
Well, what a load of rubbish my "mates" put on here while I have
been suffering in silence.

Went in on Tuesday for supposed "key-hole" removal of a stone
and the gall bladder and expected to be home in a couple of days.

Key-hole attempted but inadequate, so an incision requiring 26 staples
has been done and results of a biopsy will be made known on Tuesday.

In the meantime there will be no lawn mowing, weeding, woodturning,
lifting or driving undertaken until further notice. I will just have to sit
at the computer and see the drivel that my supposed "mates" have


Drivel is only on Fridays Allan

What keyhole wasn't big enough you didn't have stones you had boulders :U so they used a D9.:;

Allan no problem I'll pick up all your wood for you and look after it will return it when your back feeling your old self again...................

8th February 2010, 06:38 AM
26 staples! Haven't they heard of lithotripters up your way stones are disolved by ultrasound no cutting, stitches, whatever.
Dont you love the medical profession!
I was talking to a fellow when last In Sydney who had a prostrate operation done by the Da Vinci machine at St Vincents he said he only had little nicks about the size of blackberry thorns where they operated.:gotcha:

8th February 2010, 07:06 AM
Gee Allan, you must've grown some big ones.

Best wishes for the recovery.

Think of how much time you can spend taking shots at forumites ;-}

8th February 2010, 02:15 PM
Gday Al

Laughter is the best and worst medicine after a gut op.

Allan at Wallan
8th February 2010, 08:08 PM
Gday Al

Laughter is the best and worst medicine after a gut op.

At the moment I vote for "worst" as I cannot laugh,
yawn, cough or splutter without severe pain.

In addition I have almost lost my voice - it must be from
barking instructions to the missus.

Oh well, just sit back, things should improve one day,
then probably deteriorate again the next.:D

Thank you all for your comments.


8th February 2010, 08:24 PM
Allan, sorry to hear they took the scenic route mate. Hopefully you'll be up and about again soon.

PS: You can tell your surgeon I was only joking about you swallowing that 1930 Proof Penny. (how was I to know he was an avid collector? :; )

Allan at Wallan
9th February 2010, 07:12 PM
Allan, sorry to hear they took the scenic route mate. Hopefully you'll be up and about again soon.

PS: You can tell your surgeon I was only joking about you swallowing that 1930 Proof Penny. (how was I to know he was an avid collector? :; )

Thanks Greg,
Glad to see recently that your operation was key-hole and you looked
a million dollars at your turnfest.
Got the results today from the surgeon - he even swore at me in a good
humoured way saying it was his toughest gall bladder operation in the
last four years.
Apparently my gall bladder had attached itself to my liver so he had to
do a separation first before removing the gall bladder. Good news is
that nothing is cancerous and time will heal it ok. He removed about
12 staples today - the other 14 this Thursday.
Thanks all for your concern,


9th February 2010, 07:19 PM
At the moment I vote for "worst" as I cannot laugh,
yawn, cough or splutter without severe pain.



The only thing i can suggest Allan is keep reading this section of the forum and you should not suffer too much :D



9th February 2010, 07:44 PM
All jokes aside Allan, that's a good result. :2tsup:

12th February 2010, 06:50 PM
Pleased to hear you are doing ok Allan, keep those staples mate you may need to go on a staple diet. :)