View Full Version : Google Australia day Indigenous flag - where did it go?

26th January 2010, 05:56 PM
Anyone else notice it. Their one minute, then gone the next. It was tucked in between the “oo” in Google. Strange.:?

26th January 2010, 06:01 PM
According to the the SMH article here (http://www.smh.com.au/technology/technology-news/oh-dear-google-flagged-over-logo-dispute-20100126-mvhd.html).

Apparently when Google asked the flag designer permission to use the Aboriginal flag in the logo, they needed to pay for it?

Since when do you have to pay a royalty or whatever to use a flag? :oo:

26th January 2010, 06:12 PM
What a shame. I thought this would be a good opportunity to promote “unity” and not division. It was only for one day. I wonder it this forum pays royalties when it uses the flag:? The original art work from the girl was fantastic. :2tsup:

26th January 2010, 07:26 PM
Flags in general aren't copyright, but the Aboriginal flag is. About 15 years ago the copyright was owned by the designer himself, but I don't know who owns it now.

28th January 2010, 05:18 PM
Apparently when Google asked the flag designer permission to use the Aboriginal flag in the logo, they needed to pay for it?

It seems from the article they were a bit heavy handed and got up his nose and were told to get lost.

I neither care one way or another about the flag.

But how you approach me when you want something from me has great bearing on my answer.....

28th January 2010, 08:13 PM
I heard an interview with him on JJJ a couple of days ago and the way he was speaking I seriously doubt google could have offered enough or asked in a correct way:-

I understand he designed the flag but how can something that is supposed to represent an entire people be owned by one person to allow use of how they see fit?

I doubt there would have been too many people of Aboriginal descent that would have objected to its use, especially when you hear the story of the girls decision to use the flag.

For those that wish to replace the Union Jack with the aboriginal flag (personally the idea doesn't sit well with me), I wonder if he would allow its use and how this would affect his copywrite?

28th January 2010, 09:44 PM
For those that wish to replace the Union Jack with the aboriginal flag (personally the idea doesn't sit well with me), I wonder if he would allow its use and how this would affect his copyright?

I don't ever wish to see it replaced, especially with that one, and you can bet the left family jewel whom ever owns the copyright would want a squillion for it.
EDITED POST: by watson (in case there is a problem)