View Full Version : Reg Shanhan

10th January 2010, 06:54 PM
G,Day to all you Woodies

I am a Carver of Wood ( or Try )Member of Manningham which has a group of Great People who are Nice Folk , we also have a Lady or two out there
. I am Learning all about Wood Carving and the Finishing of my Carved objects. Some of the Carvings have been of Lady and Men Golfer ( you would not know I am a Golfer ) Made six in all and they are all gone to people who loved them so thats satisfying when some one likes what you do. I am at present Carving a Lady with a small boy alongside her . Big Job , at this stage Sanding it to a Finished Job
One last item I noticed some one was enquiring on how to keyway a wheel for a Model. If it is large enough you can get Sets that you can force thru Hole to cut a Keyway. Come back to me if you want more info
Thats it for now regards to all

Allan at Wallan
10th January 2010, 09:31 PM
Welcome to the Forums Reg.:2tsup:

We, at Northern Woodturners Club, have friends over at
Manningham ... great group.

Look forward to seeing your work.


11th January 2010, 05:40 AM
G'day Reg. Nice to have you join up. The board can only be a better place for having more members with different interests. If you have a camera some pics of your work will be welcome - a work in progress even more so. Welcome.


11th January 2010, 10:46 AM
Hi Reg and welcome

11th January 2010, 08:07 PM
Welcome to the forum. Some picts would be nice but if all are gone then we have to wait for the next one. :2tsup:

11th January 2010, 08:16 PM
Hi Reg, welcome to the forum.