View Full Version : An Alternative To

Lou Wood
26th August 2004, 10:52 PM
I am trying to find a cheaper alternative to Ebony flooring. I am trying to create a Black Ebony Floor (without paying a fortune £1,500 for 2 sqm) and was told about 'Fuming' and ferric ion?
Please could anyone adivise me on how dark this process will turn the wood and whether it will be Ebony black?
Thanks Lou Wood

26th August 2004, 11:44 PM
Black stain.

find yourself a nice close grained hardwood & stain it black.

Mirrotone make a black stain that is soooo strong "even the white bits are black". Its like ink.

Seriously "black stain" no problem & much easier & safer than fuming.

Lou Wood
27th August 2004, 11:56 PM
thank you for the advice Soundman. Very greatful will try that then.

28th August 2004, 10:44 AM
I did a floor black once by using shellac with a black oxide powder mixed in with it. This was how we used to paint patterns black when I was a Patternmaker.

7th September 2004, 09:48 AM
I read that a ebony woodstain can be made by placing rusty nuts and bolts in a jar filled with vinegar. The jar lid must have a vent hole in it to release the flammable gas produced by chemical reaction.

I can't remember where I found the reference nor have I tried to make the stain.
If I find it I again I will post it


The Girly
8th September 2004, 11:25 PM
I think Poloris is talking about ferris oxide. (iron oxide). The ferris oxide reacts differently to different timbers depending on the tannin thats on the timber. American oak will blacken more than Pine. If the solution is strong enough it can make the timber quite black. A quicker way of rusting would be to use steel wool. You need to burn the wax off the steel wool first. Oh by the way it smells quite bad.

9th September 2004, 10:37 AM
Try Feast Watson Black Japan. Readily available at most hardware and paint shops.
Kind regards