View Full Version : G'day from the Melbourne 'burbs

28th December 2009, 07:44 PM
Hi everyone. I lurk in a 3m x 3m shed (more like a big cupboard) in the northern 'burbs of Melbourne. One day I paid too much for a grotty old English Stanley 4½ plane with a broken cheek to knock the top off a sticking door - I had to work out how to restore and set the thing up, so naturally I ended up here.

I was first exposed to woodwork as a kid in my Dad's joinery, then again some 10 years later in early high-school - but even that was a good 15 years ago, and whatever skill with wood I might have developed has long-since evaporated.

Afro Boy
28th December 2009, 08:00 PM
Hi Edward. Welcome to the forums.

I grew up in the northern suburbs but now live down south. I do miss the variety & mish-mash of the north though.

You'll find plenty of great advice, ideas and some okay kinda folks here too. :;


28th December 2009, 08:37 PM
Welcome to the forum Edward.

29th December 2009, 07:53 PM
Welcome to the forum.

More to learn. More to do. How about more space? :rolleyes: